Saturday, March 31, 2012

Alexandria Harbor

The KARL class trekked down to Alexandria for a shoreside, fish dinner.  A couple of classmates and I arrived a bit early, so we decided to nose around the harbor area for a bit.  It was quite calm and peaceful. The day was beautiful, and the weather was just starting to warm up for spring.

A number of boats were docked, and other harbor eateries and attractions were not open.  The season was just turning from winter to spring.  However, we did get a chance to view some fun sights.  A four or five-year-old girl was pretending and putting on her own performance inside a small gazebo for her mother.  A young gentleman was pacing nervously with a bouquet of fresh cut flowers.  Meanwhile, the boats bobbed up and down silently amidst the activity.

We had a delicious dinner, and enjoyed seeing the sights of the area.  Hope you enjoy this beautiful harbor scene, taken around 6:30 p.m. that evening!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kennedy Center Twilight View

The KARL class attended what we thought, was an orchestra performance.  The orchestra did perform, however, it was actually an opera or an oria or oratorio.  Not 100% sure on the spelling, but people were singing in another language, and the English translation was flashed on a screen above the stage.

There was not a set because the stage was filled with the orchestra, which was quite good, by the way.  The opera was interesting, and I am not sure that opera is really for me.  I like musicals, and I like orchestra, well, maybe it all would have made more sense if I had a program.  The docent said she did not have enough for each individual, so I guess I looked like a person who could do without.

A couple of my classmates spotted an entire page of opera viewing rules.  For example, unwrap candy/cough drops prior to the beginning of the performance.  Do not talk to your neighbor during the performance.  The warm up is considered part of the performance, so refrain from talking during that portion.  Plus, there were about 9 or 10 other rules to follow.  So, if I had an opera on my bucket list, I could cross it off.  I can also cross off this beautiful twilight view from the Kennedy Center outdoor deck. Splendid!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cargill Corporation

DC is home to many organization headquarters, or at least a presence from top organizations around the United States.  This is where legislation happens, and it is important for corporations to be represented and to be available to educate our legislators about what really happens out across America.  I was fortunate to tag along with one of my KARL classmates to the Cargill office.

Many folks are familiar with the grain and flour aspects of Cargill, but they also are quite active in livestock production and other agriculture industries.  The company certainly does span the United States, with plants located in nearly every state.

This photograph is different types of grain.  The main wall inside the office lobby area is filled with jar samples of grain.  I simply was captivated by the variety and expanse of the choices - so I hope you enjoy this snap as a result!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Recently my KARL class and I completed our final session for our 2012 year - a trek to Washington, DC.  One of the stops that we were fortunate to make while visiting was to the National Geographic.  Wow - talk about AMAZING!  Even if you are not a photographer, this place will captivate you.

I have always been fascinated with National Geographic.  The photos are spectacular, and the stories are indescribable.  Did you know that an issue is in the works for 2 1/2 to 3 years before you see it in print?  Unbelievable!  Plus, photographers and researchers that contribute to the editions reside all over the world.  As a matter of fact, Jim Richardson, one of the photographers, resides in Lindsborg, Kansas!

We simply could not take pictures of many items, due to the fact that many were part of future editions.  I did snap a photo of Wilma though.  She is a life size prehistoric rendition created specifically for an issue related to life during that time period.  Her face is pictured in this blog.  I think this was my favorite stop of our whole DC trip, and I simply could have listened to them talk about National Geographic all day!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Twelve Months AKA 1 Year!

Time flies, and I simply can't believe that we have experienced one year with this little guy!  It has been an adventure to experience all the firsts, ear infections and teeth.  Who would have thought that teeth could be so painful?  "K" has learned many new skills, and seems to try to say new words daily.  Here's what happened this month:

*Started to wave "bye-bye" sometimes.
*Tried to talk to the cat by saying "baa."
*Wore shoes and walked outside for the first time.
*Blueberries and bananas are his current favorite fruits.
*Not too crazy about brushing his teeth.
*Pulled leaves off my plants and shoved them into the floor vent.
*Drinks whole milk from his sippy cup!

It seems that "K" discovers new features about our house each day.  This has certainly kept us on our toes in the baby proofing department.  Next up: cabinet locks - we don't have enough plates and bowls to survive any more of them perishing!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daycare Party

Sweet "J" brought out all the birthday gear for our little guy's 1st birthday!  He did not know quite what to think, with a handmade sign on the door, happy birthday banner inside, a large #1 on the wall, and paper party hats for all the party "goers" to don.  I was really amazed!

Three 4 - 5 year old girls were ready for the party, and the other chargee - a nine month old, crawled a midst all the activity.  We opened some presents including mega blocks, a block wagon, dishes, a plane and a rubber duck.  "K" didn't quite know where to begin.

Then the girls were ready for the cupcakes!  They enjoyed chowing down, and "K" really was not too sure about the cupcake.  He actually ate some crunchies instead!  Then it was off to the doctor, and back for a nap.  I am sure that shots were not on "K's" birthday list!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


WTF? - Where's the Food, Without the Farmer??  I know what you were thinking when you saw this blog title - "What was she thinking, using that acronym as a title?"  Well, as it turns out, agriculture has already coined this catchy acronym to increase consumer awareness about their food supply.

Recently when I was on K-State campus, I happened upon this large poster in Throckmorton Hall, home to the Agronomy department.  I couldn't help but snap a photo, because I really liked the message.  I also thought that the poster was pretty clever, large black and white letters - and the acronym boldly titled across the top.

There was a website and a group affiliation at the bottom of the poster, but I did not get that in the photo, so I must go back and explore further.  In the meantime, remember to thank a farmer for your next meal!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bridal Brigade

Time flies so quickly, and I can hardly believe that this picture was snapped nearly six weeks ago!  February has certainly escaped me, and the days just seem to fly faster.  So, back to the topic at hand.  One of my sisters, Sister #2, owns a bridal shop in Ellis, Kansas.  She recruited her sisters, sister-in-laws, friends, nieces etc. to model for the Bridal Fair.

Now when I was engaged to be married, I did not visit these fairs.  But, they appear to be quite popular for Brides-to-Be.  So, we modeled wedding dressings, bridesmaid dresses, mother's dresses, flower girls, miniature brides, etc.  If it was a formal dress of sorts, someone was modeling it.  I think Sister #2 had nearly 30 dresses in the show.  A number of us modeled two.

All in all, I thought the show was a success!  We had our hair and make-up done, and it was a fun day to hang with the girls.  I drove back for the day, while Mr. Fixit hung out with little "K."  So, enjoy this snap from the 2012 Bridal Fair.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

1st Birthday

We celebrated Baby "K's" first birthday, about a week early.  This was his first experience with cake, and he did enjoy this sweet concoction!  We celebrated at G & G S's house back West.  Grandma made the cake, and I must say, it was quite festive!

We opened some presents, which included some clothing and a train that has three colored balls.  The train pops out one ball at a time out of its stack, as it is pushed along the floor.  "K" seems to think that the best part of this gift is that the balls bounce quite well on the kitchen floor!

We did not do a birthday experience on his actual day.  Why, you might ask?  Well, this Mom is tired.  Another ear infection has hit "K," along with sleepless nights.  Mr. Fixit has had the stomach flu for two days.  I almost wanted to cry today from being so tired!  I just keep thinking that they will get better.  So, in the meantime, I definitely do not want to be a single parent, and I look forward to the day when all are well again for us to do a little belated celebration!

Sweet "J" & "K"

Our little "K" has been spending his days with Sweet "J," for nearly a year now.  He really loves spending time with her, and he loves to snuggle with her too.  So, each day, she tells me that he sits for about 15 minutes with her for cuddle time.

I decided it was time that I snapped a photo of the two.  "K" is anticipating the flash in this photo, but I think it is still a cute shot of the two.  We have really grown quite fond of Sweet "J," and "K" certainly likes to snuggle with her each day.

I often wonder how she does it.  She has the patience of a Saint, the creativity of an artist, the tender loving care of a nurse and delicious cooking skills.  We certainly love her!  So, this post is dedicated to Sweet "J," and all the awesome care providers out there, who make our jobs as parents easier!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ft. Leavenworth Vista

This snap was taken on my February KARL excursion.  The location was Ft. Leavenworth, and the weather was gorgeous!  I think it was close, if not slightly over, the 50 degree mark.  This location is about in the center of Ft. Leavenworth.  I love the trees, deep red brick buildings and peaceful pond.  Just think - we are still in Kansas folks!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Pancake Maker

On my recent February KARL excursion to Leavenworth, we stayed at a hotel, which featured various breakfast options.  This was my first experience with a pancake making machine.  Normally, most hotels have a make-your-own-waffle machine.  But, this machine was for pancakes!

You simply pushed the button on the front of the machine, and this started the pancake process.  On the LED monitor, two flashing rectangles popped up.  These represented your two pancakes.  The rectangles continued to flash and move across the screen.  Once the rectangle reached the edge of the screen, the first pancake could be seen coming out the end.  Don't worry, you had your plate sitting on the counter, ready for it to plop down.  Soon, the next rectangle reached the edge and the second pancake plopped on your plate.

The pancakes were perfectly browned -- and no mess!!  The best thing about the whole process, is that in about 1 minute, your pancakes were ready to eat.  I am not sure how the pancakes moved inside the machine, but I am guessing that it was a little conveyor system.  I think this is the perfect thing for hotels!  So, I hope you get to experience one some day in a hotel that you visit!