Thursday, November 29, 2012

Four Months!

It is hard to believe that four months ago we are in the  midst of the hottest summer that could be remembered, preparing for fair and trying to brainstorm ways to keep the cattle watered if the pond did dry up!  So, along came Baby "L" in the midst of it all.  We were quite happy for the distraction =)

Here's the latest play by play:

*Current weight - 15 pounds 4 ounces (50%ile)
*Current length - 25.5 inches (50%ile)
*Current head circumference - 16.25 inches (50%ile)
*Baby "L" can now reach for and hold toys.
*Teeth are impending - as drool and fussiness are increasing!
*Becoming very curious about us eating.  Sometimes he moves his mouth, as if to chew, when we take bites!
*Starting to push up with his hands when on his belly.
*Follows us with his eyes, as we move about the room.

Looking forward to the next month of activity!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankfulness Photo

It is a good thing that holidays exist, because, without them - I don't know that we would all be in the same place at the same time to celebrate!    I think holidays are the most pleasant time to gather.  Thanksgiving is my favorite, because we are not focused on presents - just presence.  So, here we are!

This was the grandkid shot on my side of the family.  There are currently nine - and all nine are accounted for here.  Although, truth be told, the boys on the right were about to make a getaway!  Age range is 12 to 4 months.  Boys currently outnumber the girls, by one.  We were quite thankful for time together, and healthy kiddos!  Next year: there will be ten!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Surprise Party

Sweet "J" turned 50 in the month of October.  Remember, that month that we missed?  Anyway, the rest of the daycare Mommies and I decided that this date could not go unnoticed.  Nope, not a chance!  We decided to surprise her with lunch and some cupcakes!  Check out the cupcakes - that was my contribution =)

One Mommy decorated the front door to her house, and another Mommy organized lunch for the kids: McDonald's.  Finally the remaining Mommy organized lunch for the adults - yum!  We showed up over the lunch hour and everyone had a fun time.  More pictures and post details might follow at a later date, but thought you might enjoy this pic first!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Working Man

Back in the month of October, which by the way, did we have an October?  I feel like that month was just a crazy blip on the radar screen.  It felt like October really did not exist.  Perhaps this was because I was A.) not getting lots of sleep and B.) planning and participating in 3 conferences.  Alright, back to the boy in picture!

Before the time change, Little "K" spent much time in the outdoor world.  No rock has been left unturned, and no cat has been left unchased.  "K" has been "helping" Mr. Fixit with his latest rock wall project.  In this photo he is wanting to pick up the sledge hammer.  I am not sure what he is telling us, but I couldn't resist snapping a photo just the same!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Three Months!

Did I ever mention that 1 + 1 in the child addition department does not equal 2?  Well, if I didn't - just in case you were wondering - it does not add up to 2!  Instead, I think it is adding up to 3 or 4, depends on the day, and how much sleep I acquired the night before =)  Ok, but back to the topic at hand: 3 months!

Baby "L" reached the three month mark at the end of October, and we were attending a conference in Orlando at that time.  I have scads of pictures from the last month, and well, just not much time to blog and post.  So, my apologies!  I am hoping to get some posts worked up soon.  So, until then, here is what Baby "L" can do at 3 months:

*Roll over from his back to his tummy!  This officially happened on November 5 for the first time.
*Squeal!  This is very loud, and often occurs if no one is paying any attention to the little guy.
*Grab an object, if it is placed near his hands.
*Suck his right thumb.  I am not excited about this habit, as I am hoping the pacifier wins out.
*Giggle! A tickle under his chin or pulling his arms out of his sleeves will give you a rewarding laugh.

Take care all, and I look forward to sharing more updates soon!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

First and second Halloween for the Diaper Dudes!  Trick or Treating involved one visit to the neighbor's house.  We had a wonderful walk on this perfect weather day!  Next year we plan to dress the boys up, and actually Trick or Treat.  Perhaps "K" will be ready to accept candy from people then. =)