Monday, December 31, 2012


Grandpa loves his "weenie dogs," as he affectionately refers to the his grandbabies!  The weather this Thanksgiving was quite deliteful, so Grandpa hung outside with the little guys.  Baby "L" was not quite sure about the western Kansas wind, so I snapped a shot of the two of them playing indoors.  I can honestly say that Little "K" never was for anyone other than Mr. Fixit or I holding him.  So, this is a wonderful treat for Grandpa!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Giant Tinker Toy

Remember Tinker Toys?  This shot totally took me back to my childhood.  I remember playing with these very toys as a young kid.  Grandma had them at her house, and we played with them each week.  The structures we built were quite incredible, but nothing really as incredible as this.  Amazing!  I could not resist snapping a shot of this structure located in Downtown Disney in Orlando.  Hope this brings back some childhood toy memories for you too!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"A" Friend Indeed

Flying with a baby was not on my bucket list, but since I accomplished this event, I might just have to put it there!  My good friend "A" also can check this off her bucket list, if she has a bucket list.  Why, you might ask?  Well, "A" roomed with the two of us, and was a total trooper!  She helped clean up baby messes, held the baby when I needed more than one hand and the award winning note: endured the multiple wake up calls throughout each night.  Yes, I believe we both should have this on our bucket list!  Thanks "A," I could not have accomplished this trip without you!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nugget News

On the birthday celebration of Sweet "J," the kiddos were treated to nuggets and such.  It was quite the lunch!  Everyone feasted on their fare, and had a bit of celebratory cupcake to top it all off.  I am pretty sure that we were short in the veggie department, but I had to tell myself that this was a very special day.  "K" gave his lunch a thumbs up!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tree Suspension Project

Holidays are quite an exciting time of year for kiddos, and we are not totally sure what is going on -- yet -- but, by next year, things will be clicking for "K!"  So, Mr. Fixit decided to place decorations in strategic locations.  Like really high locations, or where we can see them, but they cannot be touched.  Pretty smart, right?!

Mr. Fixit suspended the tree over the living room stairway.  He set some 2X4's over the stairway top, and balanced the tree upon an upside down cattle feed tub.  I thought this was a very clever use of resources.  The cord for the lights reaches down into the basement.  Mr. Fixit plugs it in there.  We can see the tree through the stairway openings in the living room.

The only downfall to this decor set up: no place for presents to sit!  However, the guys do not yet know that presents normally accompany a Christmas tree! ;)

Friday, December 14, 2012


This girl is one of my awesome friends - and I am so glad that she chooses to spend some of her vacation days traveling to visit us!  We are so very lucky!  Baby "L" totally agrees too. =)  "E" came for a visit to meet "L" and to catch up on the local happenings.  Thanks for coming to visit "E," we hope you had a super time in the Sunflower state!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friendly Visit

My very favorite friend from the East came to visit, and it was so wonderful to see her!!  We had fun eating some dinners, going to a Mary Kay party and enjoying the yummy frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf!  She came out several days and played with the boys, and snapped some super photos of our time together.  As soon, as I get some of them downloaded, I will feature some of them in future posts.  In the meantime, enjoy a picture of my super friend - who wore my favorite color for this photo!  Thank you for blessing us with a visit!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Family Photo

A lady who stopped Mr. Fixit at work one day, was telling stories about photos.  She said that she took all the photos, and as a result, was never in any photos with her family.  She realized this when one of the kids was needing a family photo for a school project.  So, Mr. Fixit decided that this could be our fate too.

Mr. Fixit snapped a photo of the three of us on a nice, warm October afternoon.  Baby "L" has his eyes closed, because he is not too sure of the sun, but here is the start of our photo collection.  My goal is to teach Mr. Fixit about the zoom button, as while we do have a lovely propane tank, I am just not sure we really need it to be a part of the photo! ;)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Mr. Fixit felt that Little "K" was ready for his first big boy haircut!  So he escorted him to the basement, asked how much he would like trimmed, and if would like a complimentary shave.  Just kidding!  Anyway, he did take "K" to the basement.  Mr. Fixit cut his hair first, just to give "K" an idea of what to expect.

Next, "K" was up in the chair.  As you can deduct from the photo, the process was a little, can we say - distressing to the toddler?  So, we will try to do another haircut when he is a bit older, but for right now, we decided it was good enough!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Baby "L" Cameo

Baby "L" accompanied me to Orlando for a work conference.  He was quite the traveler!  He took the flights in stride, and charmed many of the passengers on the plane.   And to think, he will not even remember one single moment of the trip!  We saw many sights while hanging out in Orlando, and he even accompanied our state to dinner.

Here he is pictured with an administrator and his wife from the southeast part of the state.  They were so kind to provide lots of hugs and kisses, so that he would not miss any from Little "K" or Mr. Fixit while we were away =)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lots of Legos

The month of October featured a professional conference in Orlando, Florida, and a few sights in Orlando are rather Disney themed.  Ok, I am going to be honest with you, pretty much the whole town is Disney themed.  If you did not know this before, you probably should know this before you ever plan to visit, so I have helped you out there!

Anyway, on a walk through Downtown Disney, we happened upon some lifesize Lego creations.  It was rather amazing - all built from Lego blocks.  The blocks were glued into place, because I am sure, some small child out there has tried to cabbage onto one for his/her collection.  Check out this photo with my friend "A" standing next to a dalmation, which, happens to be the dog that is part of her family!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Best Friends

I think one of the best pictures in life is a picture of best friends!  They totally melt my heart.  Every.  Time!  Check out these two girls, who happen to be my super, fantastic friends too, but let me tell you more about these stellar girls.  Are you ready?  Ok, here we go!

First, they both work together, and are an awesome team!  They teach and train professionals across the state of Kansas, and have a passion for youth.  Plus, this photo is capturing the night each achieved incredible awards for their work.  It simply does not get any better than this.  I am so proud of these ladies, that really, my heart might just melt with joy.  So, congratulations girls!!