Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Bit Batty

Shortly after we arrived home from vacation, we discovered a few more residents at the homestead. For one, we opened the kitchen deck door and were greeted by a bat. I guess that explains the unidentifiable droppings in the carport. Which, just for the record, have been appearing for the last few weeks. An open roof must have been too tempting to call home! I can't quite imagine that it was a "cool" cave though, since temps have been well over 100.

Mr. Fixit headed out to the shop to grab some tools. He tossed a piece of paper into the trashcan, only to find the trash moving! Upon further investigation, it appeared that a possum took a hankering to hanging out in that spot. So, the trashcan spent the rest of the afternoon on its side, by the pond.

I could tell that the critter instances were going to be much cause for pondering on Mr. Fixit's behalf. By morning, he came up with a plan: he would be closing up all open roof spaces immediately.

So, that last few days have included the construction of a new closet, lots of plywood, tin and screws. So long bats - you are not welcome here any longer!

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