Sunday, March 20, 2011

Home for a Week

Baby "K" has been home for one week!  He had his first Doctor's appointment on Friday, and he now weighs 7 pounds!  The nurses had fun holding him, and talking to him as they attempted to measure his head circumference, his length and his weight.  Baby "K" did not think this was a fun process at all, and I am pretty sure the whole Doctor's office patients and staff were aware of his opinions on the matter!

Grandma "S" came a week ago, and headed back home today.  It was sure wonderful to have an extra set of hands to help this week.  She cleaned, cooked and was a great listening ear as our little guy was getting settled into his new home.

Other visitors for the week: our rural mail carrier, cousins "A" and "E" and sister-in-law "K" popped by for a short visit earlier today.  The week looks promising for visitors too!  We love having friends and family come to check on us =).  Take care, and enjoy this after bath picture!

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