Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bubbling Hole

Mr. Fixit rose at his usual 5:30 a.m. time yesterday morning, and discovered that there was not a drop of water available!  He instead encountered a hissing air sound in place of water at the tap.  I awoke to the sound of paper rustling, as Mr. Fixit was searching for the phone number for our rural water district.

Mr. Fixit then decided to head out for a little eagle eye investigation.  He discovered a small sink hole near the north edge of our property -- approximately about 100 feet east of our water meter.  He believed the break to be on the district line, and not our line.  Ok, maybe this would not be too costly of a repair for our bank account!

A construction company was called in to do the repair work, and it took most of the day.  Mr. Fixit stayed home to help answer questions, and even helped locate the phone line for the crew.  I came home at the end of the day to discover a big pile of freshly dug dirt, and of course, water once again!  Side fact: Did you know that there are about 5 or 6 breaks a day, during summer months, on the rural water line?  The shifting soil, due to rainy and dry periods, cause the line to move - and eventually weaken.

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