Sunday, November 13, 2011

Electrical Energy

My first official session with KARL was held in Garden City, Kansas.  This bustling metropolis is located approximately five hours from my home.  A number of my classmates and I made the trek with two vehicles across the state.  One of our stops was Sunflower Electric - located in Holcomb, Kansas.

This is a coal fire plant.  In a simplified description, the plant converts dry coal into electricity for a vast portion of the central and western portions of Kansas.  The plant is immaculately clean -- not a spec of dust could be found on the floors (all 12, mind you) nor any of the equipment pieces either.  The company is quite cognizant of taking care of the environment.  The only emissions to come from the tall stack? -- water vapor.  Amazing!

This photo is a peek into one of the generators, through a special welding glass.  The internal temp is at about 2,500 degrees.  The process is absolutely incredible, and this company is determined to provide safe, reliable energy for years to come.

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