Thursday, July 19, 2012

'58, Daddy & "K"

Mr. Fixit's car friends have really been bugging him to take his 1958 Chevy to a local car show.  Mr. Fixit finally complied, well, he actually had the weekend off, and I did too - so that made the whole car show thing a much easier event to attend!  And so, the '58 headed off to Randolph as part of their annual 4th of July festival.

The day was so incredibly hot, and humid.  Yuck!  Anyway, this was the largest turnout they had ever had for this car show.  There were well over 100 cars and trucks participating.  Almost any color and shape you could imagine.  The judges selected Mr. Fixit's truck as one of the top 25.  So, he received a nice plaque to keep.

"K" and I headed up to visit Mr. Fixit shortly after the show began, and the weather was not yet too unbearable.  So, I thought I should snap a photo of the guys and the truck!

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