Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Five Roving Divas

Maternity leave quickly came to an end, so my first week back to work had arrived!  I decided to work half days this first week, as that would be a nice way to ease back in.  I was also fortunate to be able to take the little guy with me, so he has been learning all sorts of interesting information! As I entered the driveway, this is what I spotted: five cows.

My heart quickened immediately - Oh. My. Gosh. - our heifers are out!  Well, not technically our heifers, but the heifers of my husband's brother.  The heifers that were living in our pasture, and residing in our care for the summer --- those heifers.  Then, my common sense came back, and I realized these were not heifers, but instead cows.  Phew.  Wait a minute, why were these ladies in our yard?

As I drove home, I noticed a neighbor, down the road, was out mowing.  I headed back down there, and inquired about the bovines.  He knew whose they were, and was going to contact them.  Great!  So, I thought I would go home and enjoy the free lawn mowing job.  However, the soil is slightly more aerated now than before!!

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