Thursday, April 18, 2013


We have been in need of rain for quite some time, and wow, did we get it last night!  Actually, the whole rain experience began long before last night.  It started raining, during the night, on Tuesday night.  Honestly, we pretty much had rain on and off throughout the day on Wednesday.  It was a soggy daycare drop off and a very sloshy daycare pick-up!!  Has anyone noticed that when buckets of rain are falling from the sky, that the two-year-old seems to switch to a slow-motion walking gear?  I realize that it has a been awhile since water has fallen, but really??

Upon arriving home, Mr. Fixit proudly reported that all three of our ponds now contained water.  Status prior to the rain: 1 nearly empty pond and two very empty ponds.  So, this was an excellent prognosis.  After the children had been fed, and there was still some daylight, I snapped a photo of all three ponds.  Two of the ponds are now overflowing and the third pond is nearly full.  Mr. Fixit could hardly contain his excitement!  Why?  Well, turns out that Mr. Fixit's brother called to inquire about the grass and water situation at the "ranch."  Looks like we will obtain 10 bred heifers for the summer grass season.  ETA: three weeks.  Yet to do - check the fence, and reinforce the spot where the neighbor's bull made an uninvited entrance last summer.  Mr. Bull won't really be interested in these girls, but it will still be good to have a strong fence!

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