Monday, May 13, 2013

Keeping My Fork

There is a phrase that goes like this, "Save your fork - the best is yet to come!"  I love this phrase because I think about what else might be next, and can't wait to experience it!  My reference of "fork" and "next" today, really do not pertain to food.  My mind is going many directions, but for those who know me, you will likely know where this post is leading.

I am so blessed with a marvelous husband (who, by the way, convinced our 2 year old to hand deliver me a card in the midst of a toy search, on Mother's Day) and two entertaining little boys.  I still pinch myself to be sure it is all still true!  Although, I am starting to pinch myself more to stay awake some days!  Eeekkk, the 9 month old still will not sleep.  :/

I am on a search for that "next" to save my "fork" for.  I am looking for a way to make a difference and extend a hand to people in need.  This is what life is all about, I believe, the excitement of teaching someone something new.  I want to make it click, and make a positive difference in the lives of others!  I hope that my "fork" will soon be needed.

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