So, bright and early this morning -- 7:00 a.m. to be exact -- a big red van pulled up to our door. It was Mr. Fixit's friend, the electrician. Today was the day that the wiring would commence in the addition. I was excited for the wiring and all - so excited - that I went back to bed for a bit.
Well, wiring is not a quiet job. So, around 7:30 I decided to get up and work on my own list for the day, which included cleaning the house, laundry, paying some bills, mowing our forest - ummm yard - and pulling some weeds. The weed part was somewhat critical in places, because they were as big as my perennials.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. So, I got to answer questions such as, "Where would you like a light switch for the kitchen?" and "What kind of lights would you like over the island?" oh and "How many lights would you like in the hallway?"
My head was swimming! I mean, I never have got to decide where electricity should be placed. How exciting is that?!
The wiring was not finished today, but there has definitely been a dent made in the project!
The weeds around here have been out of control, too .... for REAL.