Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fair Kid Tidbits

Kids say and do the funniest things - and those are things that make the fair memorable! Here are some tidbits, so far, from this year's fair that are sure to make you smile:

*My pig peed on my leg, and I think it went into my mud boot too!
*Do you think there are frogs at the fair?
*We are making these bead bracelets, so that we can get some money to go on rides. Can you buy one, so we can get some money?
*How come they don't give purple ribbons to the animals, because purples are the best you know?
*Mom, I need to eat some ice cream, or else I am going to get really hot!
*Me, "MT how did you get so wet?!" MT, "With water!"

Well - enjoy your Saturday!!

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