Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Do You Eat?

Today was the Thanksgiving holiday celebration with Mr. Fixit's family.  We traveled North to catch up with his brothers and sisters and their families.  It was a delicious celebration!

Mr. Fixit's five-year-old niece posed a question, as I was nibbling on a snack: "How do you eat if the baby is living in your tummy?"

I responded by asking her if she had ever noticed that she had a belly button.  I said that the baby is attached to the Mommy with an umbilical cord going from the baby's belly to the Mommy.  The baby gets food from the Mommy through this cord, and that is how the baby gets fed.

She exclaimed, "Ew!  The baby is eating the food you already ate?!  That is very ew!!"

Needless to say, I am hoping that the questions do not keep coming -- otherwise I will have to defer all responses to her Mom and Dad!

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