Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rocks, Paper, Glue

I took on a little babysitting gig today for a friend's two delightful daughters!  Dad had a day of work ahead of him, so we had a day of fun planned.  Mr. Fixit delved into his projects, and we set off for a nature hike in the pasture!

It was quite windy today, and we each had a zipper bag, ready to collect our nature items.  We were collecting items for a nature collage.  We talked about things we could glue to our papers, and things that we could not.  I think the rock detail got lost with little "A."  She collected a sackful of rocks, instead of plants!  So, I gathered a few extra things.

The bonus was that I finally got my craft stuff unpacked.  So, I had sequins available to add to the artwork, and each person had her own glue bottle.  Double bonus!  Soon, my young charges decided it was quite fun to squirt lots of glue and pile sequins onto the paper.  Well, needless to say, we certainly were successful at cleaning out my art supplies and using up old glue!  The artwork will be delivered to the artists soon -- we are waiting patiently for the glue to dry =)

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