Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sickness Woes

Ughhh!  When, I ask, will winter end???  This weather has been ridiculous, and has really started to get me a little cranky.  Honestly, it really is ongoing sickness causing my crankiness.  Every week, it seems, we embark on another new illness journey.  I would rather stay in "Well Land" personally.

Last week, I experienced my first ever round of conjunctivitis.  Yuck!  After five days of drops and no contacts, my eye has healed.  In the meantime, I got a call to pick "L" up from child care.  It appears that he was running a 100 degree temp.  Really?!  Not again!

So, "L" has been sick since last week Wednesday.  After several more days home, and a fever still, I decided to take him to the Dr. this past Tuesday.  By that point in time, there was gunk draining out of his left ear.  Ooops.  Way to go Mom.  Obviously, I should have taken him in sooner.

So, a sinus infection plus ear infection yielded a ruptured ear drum.  Wow.  No wonder he was miserable.  Antibiotics have been ordered, and I am still giving ibuprofen for pain.  Hopefully, in 10 days, he will be good as new.

Looking forward to the next round of illness roulette.  I honestly can't contain my excitement.

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